Monday, August 18, 2008

Make A Habit in 28 Days?

I love to sleep. I'm terrible in the morning. But I have a much better day if I get out of bed, get ready and get a few things done before my kids attack. This means I need to get up before or around 6:30. I know, I know, 6:30 isn't that early in the real world. But in my world, it’s extremely early.

So they (whoever "they" are) say it takes 28 days to make or break a habit. I'm on a quest to find out if that is true. If I get up around 6:30 for 28 days, will my body adjust to waking up early? Will I start to wake up on my own without my blaring alarm going off? I don't know.

Why am I telling you this? Accountability, people! If everyone knows that I'm trying to wake up early, will I actually do it?? I guess we'll find out! Today was Day 1...wish me luck!


Jo Lynn said...

Good luck, I can't get myself to get up that early. I lay in bed praying Savannah will go back to sleep and most of the time she does and then I have another hour...I do wish I would get up earlier each morning, I really would get a lot more done. I wish you the best and I will be checking in on you to see how your doing! :)

Amy Jensen said...

Good luck. I personally as far as sleep habits go think it takes less time. My reason is Gracie has been sleeping 7 hrs. the last week so from 10:00 to 5:00 Well the last two mornings she got up closer to five thirty but I woke up both times by myself automatically at five b/c I think my body was used to it. So we will see how it goes for you.

Nesa said...

good luck! i did find some truth to that when i was in bootcamp, but it only works if you do it everyday(atleast for me)! i broke it when i only did it during the week and not the weekend, so good luck again! =)

Unknown said...

6:30 is WAY early. I can even say that while being on newborn schedule. Sleep is too precious to me. I'd definitely be picking a new habit to start instead of a 6:30 wake-up time!!

Shyla said...

Maybe I will join you. I hate getting up early but I need to especially with school starting. Good luck!

Lily said...

"You can do it"....... I know that the saying is so true, An ounce of morning is worth a pound of afternoon.