Thursday, July 17, 2008

Who Knew?

Some of you may have noticed that my music player is missing. Well, it's not missing, I just moved it to the footer of my blog. And it no longer automatically plays when you open my page. Why? Apparently there is a group called BAM! - Bloggers Against Music. Here is their description:

Are you sick and tired of blogs that automatically bombard you with their loud and obnoxious music? Do you frantically scroll down endless sidebars looking for that music/video stop button?Are you frustrated with having to sit through 20+ seconds of music some blogger put on their site? If so, join BAM! - BLOGGERS AGAINST MUSIC! Now, don’t be daft… We aren’t against music all together, some of us LOVE music but we are against MUSIC ON BLOGS THAT WE DIDN’T ASK TO HEAR!

Someone kindly (ha!) told me about this group and I kind of agreed with them. So I made an adjustment to my music player, but it's still there for your enjoyment if you want it!


Unknown said...

I think I enjoy your posts the best! I was laughing reading this one. Even my OWN music annoys the crap out of me. I'll have to join this club so that I don't have to read peoples' blogs with my computer on Mute!