Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Seriously...WHAT IS THAT??!!??

Chloe was yelling from the bathroom that she wanted to AASH, AASH! (wash her hands) When I got to the bathroom, this is what I found in her hot little hand:

After my screaming and dry heaving subsided, I discovered it was actually a chocolate marshmallow. Whew! Chloe thinks I'm crazy now. Just take a look at her face! I was laughing so hard the picture is blurry.


Nesa said...

that looks too real!

Mississippi Songbird said...

lol.. that's cute..

Kika VilaNova said...

yay!! chocolate marshmellow! yummie!!

but i wish i had seen the SYTYCD party thing earlier =(

next week??? :)

Susie said...

Hahahaha- I love it!