Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Quest

No more excuses....I've pretty much been pregnant for the last 2 years and "post-baby" for 5 years. It's time to get in shape. But I need some motivation! Any one out there willing to get on a program together? Any one have some great ideas to get me going?? I NEED HELP!


Paige said...
This is my brother's friend who is a personal trainer, and mother of two, expecting her third so she would at least know where you're coming from.

And have you seen that infomercial about a dance dvd fitness program? It looked like a lot of fun.

You have been pregnant for a long time! And you have two babies, that is a lot of work so don't be too hard on yourself. I understand wanting to get in shape but I must say that you are gorgeous as you are. Good luck with your quest!

Shyla said...

I joined weight watchers and it has helped me! I know how you feel pregnancy is not good to my body!!

Kika VilaNova said...

okay, do u have a golds pass? we can go together, AND Trevor is a personal trainer and does sweet deals for FRIENDS, he is training lots of my friends! buuuuuuuuuuut, if you want we can go work out together, golds has a day care or we can go on hikes on saturdays. It's up to you!
If you want to do stuff at home, I recommend the biggest loser's cardio dvd and winsor pilates.

But I have to say, for a post baby girl, you look GREAT! :)

Amy Jensen said...

Ok I am more than happy to jump on board with you, whatever it is you want or maybe doing as soon as this baby is born! My mom though suggested doing weight watchers alot of my other friends that have done it have ALL had success. It is something that can realistically be done. Anyway so maybe that with a some working out. I don't know if I told you about that Carmen Electra striptease workout video she has it's amazing and if you did that a few times a week you wouldn't believe the results you will see in as little as 6 wks. Other than that you look great and I love you!!!

jEn said...

weight watchers works wonders... but i fell off the wagon so i need help too.