Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy December 1st!

We woke up this morning to 4 inches of snow on the ground. It sure is pretty but I really, really hate being cold. It did put me in the mood for Christmas though. Things didn't seem quite right without the snow.

My December has started out very happy - Lunch at Macaroni Grill with my Mom and my discovery of the greatest invention ever (even greater than the Season's drive-through store that no longer exists): Some poor mother who has tried to take a small child into a public restroom alone was smart and teamed up with Koala Bear Kare to create a child seat for the stall! How fantastic is that? I was able to strap Chloe into the seat so she could stare at me from the wall while I did my thing. I didn't have to figure out how to balance her on my lap or desperately try to keep her from crawling on the floor. God bless Macaroni Grill. There are many reasons why it is my favorite restaurant. #1 & #2? Gooey cheese and child seats in the restrooms.


Jenny said...

It's so nice to see inventions that are simple yet brilliant! I think this child seat should be added to the mandatory ADA standards for bathrooms! ;)

Paige said...

I love those seats! They have them in our refurbished mall bathrooms and I too was so happy to find them.