Saturday, April 19, 2008

Aging Gracefully? Nope!

I used to think I would decide to age gracefully when it was my time. I quickly figured out this will not be the case after all. While I was drying my hair, I noticed a stubborn hair that kept popping straight up. Upon further inspection, I found that it was (gasp!) gray!!! I yanked it out of my head and frantically started combing through my hair to find any other offenders. I didn't find any. But I realized the top 2 inches of it was brown and the bottom was gray. Is that normal? I've never seen a “Nice and Easy” commercial where a gray haired person was talking about the dreaded day their hair turned brown.... Could it be hormones? Stress?


Sally said...

Welcome to my world, Cammi, welcome to my world.

larrasheppard said...

Okay, I just have to laugh because the same thing happened to me about three months ago. Beware there will be more and as a stylist I can say that they do just turn grey one day wether we like it or not.